Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Halloween in Brazil

Two weeks late and....quite a bit else.

It was kinda like Rocky Horror, but more gay. Plus they played that same song over and over until we left...good DJ technique!

Lapa, where you can booze in the street while listening to samba.
Just finished a long weekend here, we had Monday off for a federal holiday no one celebrates; the declaration of the Brazilian republic by the military in 1889 or something. The weekend was good, I went to Lapa twice and got drunk on the street, once just for the hell of it and the other time to pregame for the above 'show,' themed after Alice in Wonderland.

During my walks back home (which everyone condemned me for, they say its a dangerous route) I got too see all sorts of street prostitutes waiting on the side of the highway, just like in the movies! Also, just like in the movies, they were all once men! I gave a wide berth, steering between them and the random dudes coking up in the middle of the sidewalk, avoiding the young street kid puking in the dumpsters he was diving into. Nothing I hadn't seen already in Harlem or the lower east side, really.

I have to go to my first Portuguese class now, then teacher training. No time to go to the beach! I'm still as white as an off-the-plane gringo. More words and pictures to come.

1 comment:

  1. Sup gringo? Ca a l'air d'être le bonheur au pays de la Cahipirinia et j'en suis ravie pr toi:)
    Ici la vie suit son court même si tu nous manques: Oliver continue a piquer les croquettes de Miaou Tse Tung, qui elle, continue à miauler toute la journée, etc, etc. Mais on est heureux!
    Envie furieuse de jouer à Call of Duty avec toi, mais je vais lire le bouquin que tu m'as laissé en attendant! ++ Take care
